Saturday 29 September 2012

A Down Day

Blogging- it's a tough old ride. I hope I have acquired some readers.. fingers crossed!! I have a lot on my plate at the moment, so I do apologise for the lack of communication. 

University is now back in my life. I have a huge hurdle to cross in these next nine months, and it scares me immensely! To echo a previous blog, I have various moods at the moment. Today, I have been a tad low. This is for three reasons: a) I have a horrid cold, b) A sprained foot and c) Procrastination

The latter is a source of anger. My work is in need of constant attention, yet, I find myself feeling very unmotivated. It is a habit that makes me feel down and frustrated. I don't believe it is laziness, but a sheer fear of setting myself up for failure. It's an unwanted habit, as I'm sure many of you can relate to?? It makes you feel ill. 

For this reason, I have given myself a day of rest in my pyjamas, in the hope of drawing myself out of the rut. I have also been listening to Jessie J to cheer myself up: -

Does this sound familiar to you, and what do you do to cheer yourselves up? Tips please!
x L x


  1. Anonymous10/09/2012

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  2. Anonymous10/09/2012

    Just wanted to drop in and say hi and good luck.
    I am also a brand new baby blogger! Check me out

    1. Thanks! :) You too. I shall keep reading your blog...I am also studying to be a Social Worker!

  3. Oh, I am going through the exact same thing right now. Since I don't have classes on Wednesdays I usually take that day to lounge around, fiddle with my blog and relax. My roommates are starting to call it my "pajama day"...And in my experience, a short nap at a random time during the day doesn't hurt.

    Good luck!

    1. Haha, I like the idea of a "pajama day".. May have to try that on a Sunday I think!!
