I know...no posts again. I feel like a broken record that's for sure, but I have an announcement that's overdue on here. Despite any thoughts on readers or views, I've never minded if my writing only reaches one person; that's all it takes for wellbeing change, but I'm so happy to share some news. Life-changing, news. My partner and I are expecting our first child together :-D ahhhh.
I'm actually 30 weeks pregnant. It zoomed by!! Looking back at my last post, Spring was in the air and now we're looking at having a Spring baby. At our 20 week scan, we were told that we're having a little girl. The sonographer was quite vague so we sort've remain unsure, but trusting the experience! At the scan, we didn't mind really, we were focussed on them just being a healthy baby; which they are. Our petite baby- for now anyway, haha.
This next chapter will be a massive rollercoaster, one I'm feeling every emotion. One day, it's been excitement, to apprehension, overwhelm, anxiety, joy & happiness. Especially as we're both first time parents. It's easy to go into panic mode!
It's madness what a woman's body can do. Surreal, but lovely.
In my prior post, I'd said about an emotional, personal journey. That was about fertility. I do feel this is something that could be shared more. I’m very aware of people's fertility journeys and loss. When Nick and I met, I was aware of my age and that I wanted children. Thankfully, he was on the same wavelength. I feel grateful we were successful naturally but we also had months of disappointment, and some tears shed by me. When we hit the 6 month mark, we discussed talking to the doctor. Which we did, so initially we were beginning that process. By early July 2023, we awaited Nick's apt and we'd been away in Norfolk for a getaway. I'd been following tips as usual and by the end of July, I got the positive we were waiting for. Let me tell you, seeing that second faint line, my heart has never raced so fast! I'd got used to negatives at this point so it was a shock. All in all, it took nine months. I tend to think a baby chooses their mama and dada so I just had to be patient to wait for them. {Mmm I say patient, loosely. I'm sure my partner would laugh at my version of patience..}
I know this experience is probably very normal. We're both mid 30's and it's expected but I still think it's important to highlight the difficulties you can go through. Not everyone can click their fingers and make a child. I know many people have it much harder or easier, but this was just what we went through. Up to a year of ttc is normal but age has its factors so that worried me. For those that really struggle, I'm so sorry.
Whether it helps anyone at all (and this may be too intimate for some) but here a few things to think of:
- If you are a woman & using contraception/pill, it can take up to 3 months for hormones to stabilise. This could include 'normal' menstruation returning.
- Illness can throw periods off so cycles can end up going a bit haywire- this happened to me and yep, it upset me as my cycle got longer, shorter, never came. Eurgh!
- Intermittent bleeding is normal and down to stress/ illness, but check with the GP.
- Do eat a healthy, balanced diet and take supplements. I took ttc (trying to conceive) tablets straight away then supplements until I was roughly 20 weeks- You could probably stop after 12 weeks as you only need folic acid upto then. (Note, tablets aren't for everyone)
- Cut down/ or out, alcohol. I'm not a huge drinker but I stopped drinking anything in June.
- Keep yourself fit; you want baby to have a healthy home for 9 months.
- Try not to symptom spot; I fell victim to this a lot until I finally accepted going with the flow. Anything becomes a symptom when you want something so much!
- Do use ovulation strips and follow them. I only got cheap ones but started using them in June properly. I still think they helped us succeed. Apps can help to track dates/cycles too.
- Men need time to..ahem, replenish, if you catch my drift. Bear in mind, my GP said to cut down to 2-3 a week. Personally, every other day is probs okay...
In my last post, I'd said that Nick had surprised me with a Disneyland Paris trip. I ended up being 5 months preggers. Oh man, I loved it there. Best time!!
I plan on writing a Disney review as soon as I can so I can give an honest summary of what it was like whilst being at the parks pregnant. Perhaps something to add to my maternity to-do list.
As always, any thoughts- let me know...
From a mama-to-be and bump x
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